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Ambiente - 7° Programma Quadro

La Commissione europea ha organizzato due giornate informative che riguardano il bando di prossima uscita relativo al tema “Ambiente” del programma specifico di RST “Cooperazione”.

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Il primo appuntamento è a Saragozza in Spagna dove, nel quadro della più ampia manifestazione Expo Internazionale 2008, la Direzione Generale Ricerca della Commissione ha organizzato per il giorno 8 settembre prossimo, "L'European Water Research Day" una giornata interamente dedicata alle attività di ricerca europee sul tema dell' Acqua.

Nel corso della giornata verranno anche presentate le opportunità offerte dal bando in relazione a questo tema.

Per partecipare è necessario iscriversi.

Il secondo appuntamento è il giorno 15 settembre a Bruxelles ; al centro della giornata il tema delle "Tecnologie ambientali". La sessione del mattino sarà dedicata in particolare a fornire informazioni sui diversi topics di ricerca inerentiquesto tema previsti dal prossimo bando e dal work programme 2009 della priorità "Ambiente".

Le iscrizioni devono pervenire entro il 10 settembre.

Roma, 4 agosto 2008

Zaragoza EXPO 2008
8 September 2008

Sala de la Corona, Pignatelli Building (Government of Aragón)
Paseo María Augustín 36, Zaragoza

Since 1984, seven European Commission RTD Framework Programmes have contributed to the funding of research in Europe. They all have tackled the role of water in the environment and in society. This research has contributed not only to promoting good water management from the technological and institutional points of view but also to developing a sound water knowledge base and an awareness of its political dimensions and of the necessity to actively protect the viability of our aquatic ecosystem. Today, with a better understanding of the context and impact of global change, the aim is to identify ambitious objectives in order to develop new concepts, technologies and tools.

In the framework of the Zaragoza International Expo 2008 "Water and Sustainable Development", the Directorate General for Research organises a one day event - the European Water Research Day - aimed at presenting past, on-going and future EU research activities in this field. The event will be opened by the European Commissioner for Science and Research Janez Potocnik, together with the Spanish Science and Innovation Minister Cristina Garmendia, the Member of European Parliament Philippe Busquin and high-level representatives of the Government of Aragón, the Zaragoza Water Tribune and the European Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform.

The main findings and impacts of European water-related research activities will be summarised. Six keynote speakers will present the results of previous and ongoing research activities paving the way for the identification of knowledge gaps and future challenges for sustainable solutions.

The contents of the next Call for proposals of FP7 (Cooperation programme) regarding water-related research will be presented, offering the possibility of flash presentations from potential applicants. A brokerage event will be included.

The meeting is open to all parties interested in EU RTD water research initiatives, particularly those with responsibilities on dissemination and on research policy. The information/brokerage session related to the next FP7 Call for proposals is particularly addressed to institutions, companies and researchers wishing to build partnerships for responding to the new Call. Participation is subject to registration.

The draft Agenda of the event and the Registration Form are available at:

During the EXPO 2008, accommodation facilities in Zaragoza are limited; participants should make their own arrangements as soon as possible. The above link also offers a list of travel agencies, please refer to the European Water Research Day at EXPO2008.

For further information on this event contact:
Elena Domínguez (, or Javier Peinado-Lebrero (

Environmental Technologies
Work Programme 2009 Info Day
15th September 2008

Albert Borschette Conference Center
Rue Froisart 36, Brussels, Belgium

This one-day event will provide information on the various topics of the next call for proposals in the activity area of related to Environmental Technologies, within the Environment (including Climate Change) theme. Potential participants in consortia will have the opportunity to share project ideas or to propose their specific competence for the creation of project partnerships.

The Information Day is organised in a morning plenary session, with a general presentation on the "Environmental Technologies" activity and on the lessons learnt from the previous calls, followed by an introduction to the 2009 Work Programme of the "Environment (including Climate Change) Theme" for this activity, and ended by a Questions & Answers session.

The programme will then continue with specific sessions on:
1) Technology Assessment, Verification and Testing.
2) Technologies for Water, Waste, Soil and Marine Environment;
3) Built Environment and Cultural Heritage;

These sessions are organised as information and brokerage events. After an introduction on the various topics of the call, participants will be allowed to make "flash" presentations (3 minutes and 3 slides maximum) related to project ideas, to their competence in the specific field, or to their interest to join consortia on a given subject. An open brokerage event will complete the parallel sessions.

The meeting is open to all parties interested in responding to the new call for proposals as well as to those acting in the dissemination of information on FP7research activities.

Participation is subject to registration, interested participants are requested to register before the 10th of September. The draft agenda and the registration form of the event can be downloaded through this link.

Please note that subjects related to water will be presented in another info day organised on the 8th of September 2008 in Zaragoza, in the framework of the European Water Research Day. Moreover, the Biorefineries joint call will be presented in Brussels on the 16th September 2008. Both events require independent registrations.

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