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L’ETUCE ricerca collaboratori. Un’opportunità per giovani neolaureati

Pubblichiamo il bando dell’ETUCE - il Comitato dei sindacati della scuola dell’Unione Europea, cui la FLC Cgil è affiliata - per la ricerca di un collaboratore/trice disponibile a lavorare retribuito/a presso la sede di Bruxelles per un periodo variabile da 5 mesi ad un anno.

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Vacancy Notice

Internship with the European Trade Union Committee for Education in Brussels

The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) has a vacancy open for a full time internship. The internship would last for at least 5 months, starting as soon as possible, with the possibility of extending it to one year. The position is paid.

The European Trade Union Committee for Education represents 112 teachers’ unions in the EU/EFTA area, vis-à-vis the EU policy-making institutions in Brussels. The main work of ETUCE relates to education, research and labour-market policies in Europe, as well as to the support and coordination of the international cooperation among its member organisations in the EU/EFTA countries and its associated member organisations in the rest of Europe. ETUCE is a lively and international organisation, which involves close contact and collaboration with a variety of countries and nationalities.

The ETUCE is an Industry Federation of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), and is an autonomous organisation within the world-wide teacher union federation, Education International (EI).

The position

The position involves close collaboration with the person responsible for projects in the secretariat, assisting in all aspects of the management of European projects on issues linked to the education sector.

The tasks include:
- preparation of project applications, including drafting of concept papers and budgeting
- implementation of projects, compilation of reports and documents, maintaining contact with the project partners and the relevant participants
- organisation of meetings and events
- general contribution to the office activities


The ideal candidate would have the following characteristics:
- excellent English (near-native level)
- very good level of French
- other languages an asset
- excellent communication skills
- computer literacy
- an interest in the trade union movement and in education policies
- flexibility
- willingness to travel occasionnally
- team spirit
- capacity to handle various tasks simultaneously

The deadline for application is: 1st April 2006
To apply for the position and for more information contact:

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